Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holiday season is painting season.

I think I'll use the top design for my next business card. I've been out of cards for a month or so. The cross is going to Mike Adams at True Sight. He doesn't know it. I bought a painting from him a while back and just wanna send him something cool for being a cool guy.
I painted the skull and cross in Nashville, TN at my buddy Brandyn Feldman's machine shop, and the painting below was to paste onto a split piece of flash with Brandon Henderson for the show at Octane Gallery/Kustom Thrills.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quick little hand-turkey painting I did after work, tonight! Tomorrow, time to chow down! And I'm very grateful for my career, family, friends, and all the things I've been blessed with that far exceed what any person needs to live off of!

Flash Show at Octane Gallery, Kustom Thrills Tattoo, Nashville, TN

Some photos from the show, and a good little family pic from afterwards! L-R: Jonny Lashley, Joe Lemire, Brandon Henderson, myself, and Adam Wakitsch. I'll upload some actual flash I did for the show in another day or so. Thought I had photos on my camera, but it was a great time and successful show! Thanks for having me and thanks to the others who participated and/or bought art!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I'm heading out to Nashville, Tennessee first thing in the morning. It's about a 5 hour drive, and I'm hoping to be there by noon. Kustom Thrills Tattoo in East Nashville is having a traditional flash art show tomorrow evening, and I'm taking about 10 sheets or so to show.
There are plenty of new sheets I haven't published, but as soon as I get back to Little Rock, I'll be sure to post, but for now, I don't want to spoil it!
See you guys tomorrow evening!