Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Holiday season is painting season.

I think I'll use the top design for my next business card. I've been out of cards for a month or so. The cross is going to Mike Adams at True Sight. He doesn't know it. I bought a painting from him a while back and just wanna send him something cool for being a cool guy.
I painted the skull and cross in Nashville, TN at my buddy Brandyn Feldman's machine shop, and the painting below was to paste onto a split piece of flash with Brandon Henderson for the show at Octane Gallery/Kustom Thrills.

1 comment:

  1. Say Brandon,
    i'm a local painter, and going to be setting up a painting studio in the back of 7th St. Tattoo. Rob and Adrian have taken classes with me and become friends. It turns out you and I have some friends in common and we share a common faith in Christ. Great to know you're there, and look forward to getting to know you.


    See my work at
