Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Blue Collar Love

Had a LOT of fun tattoos lately, and I'm looking forward to more of what will come through the door for me!

Super enjoyed this girl head and the truck below. The truck is an actual truck and the owner got a portrait of it. Would love to do more these kinds of tattoos. Call the shop or come see me to set something up!

The butterfly girl on the skull is part of a split sheet with "Famous" Gabe Smith, owner of Hula Moon Tattoo, Pensacola, FL.  I have mailed the sheet to him, and I'll be anxious to see what he does!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Newer art!

I'm been branching out and trying new things. The swooping eagle was done with nothing but marker. Had some paper laying around that I thought was slick enough that I figured I could spit-shade markers on, so I tried it.
Sorry the picture of the girl in the frame with the roses isn't a better picture. That color of paper made it UNBELIEVABLY difficult to get a decent photo. I'm still not satisfied.
The Arkansas sheet was done for the Arkansas-Democrat Gazette for an article about Arkansas souvenirs.
Thanks for checking it out!